Wednesday, May 8, 2019

Weapon Size Penalty

Ragnarok M Eternal Love has weapon size penalty for each weapon.

Every being in Ragnarok M Eternal Love have their own size category: Small, Medium, and Large. Lunatic are small-sized, because they are just small.

Humans categorized as medium-sized, and for large-sized, you may take Baphomet as an example.

Each weapon has different impacts on them. For example, Axe would be effective against Baphomet, but it's hard to hit small objects like Lunatic.

So, to represent this things, there are weapon size penalty applied for every weapon.

Ragnarok M Eternal Love Weapon Size Penalty

There are several ways to remove these weapon size penalty.

Blacksmith's skill Weapon Perfection could remove weapon size penalty for 60s. Some weapon like Sandstorm could minimize its weapon penalty against large-sized monsters.

