Level Range 1 ~ 25 | |
Name | Task |
Active Willows | Kill 25 Willow |
Chon Chon Terminating Plan | Kill 25 Chon Chon |
Collect Crystals | Collect 5 Jellopys |
Collect Feather | Collect 5 Feathers |
Collect Iron | Collect 1 Iron |
Collect Rotten Bandage | Collect 5 Rotten Bandages |
Destroy Rhesus Yoyo | Kill 25 Yoyo |
Fighters among Cockroaches | Kill 25 Thief Bug Male |
Get Rid of Rocker | Kill 25 Rocker |
Guard's Greatest Enemy | Kill 25 Thief Bug |
Human's Enemy | Kill 25 Tarou |
Landscape Graphics | Take a photo |
Legend of Mummy | Kill 25 Familiar |
Monkey General | Release Yoyos at the west gate |
Spore Dancer | Kill 25 Spore |
Undead Cockroach | Kill 25 Thief Bug Female |
Level Range 26 ~ 35 | |
Name | Task |
A Lively Phen | Kill 25 Phen |
A Mocked Spore | Kill 25 Poison Spore |
Break the Skeleton | Kill 25 Pirate Skeleton |
Collect Coal | Collect 2 Coals |
Collect Crystals | Collect 5 Jellopys |
Collect Feather | Collect 5 Feathers |
Collect Iron | Collect 1 Iron |
Collect Memento | Collect 5 Mementos |
Collect Rotten Bandage | Collect 5 Rotten Bandages |
Collect Steel | Collect 1 Steel |
Fish on Land | Release the Phen from the Sunk Ship |
Get Rid of Marina | Kill 25 Marina |
Greedy Wolves | Kill 25 Wolf |
Hydra Raid | Kill 25 Hydra |
Landscape Graphics | Take a photo |
Magic Flower Mandragora | Kill 25 Mandragora |
Noisy Frog | Kill 25 Roda Frog |
Pirate Skeletons' Feast | Kill 25 Pirate Skeleton |
Purify Water Source | Kill 25 Thara Frog |
The Arrogant Vadon | Kill 25 Vadon |
The Trick of Bones | Kill 25 Skeleton |
Underwater Temple | Take a photo of Remains - Deep Sea Temple |
Level Range 36 ~ 45 | |
Name | Task |
A hard-working Hornet | Release the Hornet from Mjolnir Mountains |
Clear Deniros | Kill 25 Deniro |
Clear Goblins | Eliminate 30 Goblins |
Collect Butterfly Wing | Collect 20 Butterfly Wing |
Collect Centipede Venom | Collect 20 Centipede Venom |
Collect Coal | Collect 1 Coal |
Collect Drainliar's Teeth | Collect 20 Drainliar's Teeth |
Collect Garlet | Collect 5 Garlets |
Collect Memento | Collect 5 Mementos |
Collect Memento | Collect 10 Mementos |
Collect Rotten Bandage | Collect 5 Rotten Bandages |
Collect Sticky Mucus | Collect 5 Sticky Mucus |
Crazy Hornet | Kill 25 Hornet |
Dirty Bandage | Collect 10 Rotten Bandages |
Generous Returns | Kill 25 Marc |
Giant Centipedes | Kill 25 Argiope |
Goblin Archer | Kill 25 Goblin Archer |
Goblin Destruction Group! | Eliminate 25 Goblins |
Human Eating Flowers | Kill 25 Flora |
Landscape Graphics | Take a photo of Siren's Courtyard |
Landscape Graphics | Take a photo of Remains - Tree of the Sea |
Landscape Graphics | Take a picture of Magic Fountain |
Looters of the Coal Mine | Kill 25 Steam Goblin |
Love Crystal | Collect 10 Jellopys |
Menblatt | Kill 25 Menblatt |
Soft Fur | Collect 10 Feathers |
Something Sticky | Collect 10 Sticky Mucus |
Steam Goblin | Kill 25 Steam Goblin |
Violent Obeaunes | Kill 25 Obeaune |
Level Range 46 ~ 55 | |
Name | Task |
A Goblin Egg | Release Magnolia from Morroc |
An Escape Magnolia | Kill 25 Magnolia |
Ant Eggs Guardian | Kill 25 Deniro |
Challenge Peco Peco | Kill 25 Peco Peco |
Collect Ant Acid | Collect 20 Ant Acid |
Collect Garlet | Collect 5 Garlets |
Collect Immortal Heart | Collect 5 Immortal Hearts |
Collect Iron | Collect 3 Iron |
Collect Memento | Collect 10 Mementos |
Collect Scell | Collect 5 Scells |
Collect Solid Shell | Collect 5 Solid Shells |
Collect Steel | Collect 3 Steel |
Collect Sticky Mucus | Collect 5 Sticky Mucus |
Collect Sticky Mucus | Collect 10 Sticky Mucus |
Dirty Bandage | Collect 10 Rotten Bandages |
Escort Matyr | Release Matyr from the pyramid |
Get Rid of Desert Wolf | Kill 25 Desert Wolf |
Get Rid of Drainliars | Kill 25 Drainliar |
Help Trade Fleet | Kill 25 Golem |
Knight's Mount | Escort the Peco Pecos to Morroc |
Landscape Graphics | Take a photo |
Landscape Graphics | Take a photo |
Miner Giearth | Kill 25 Giearth |
Moving Expert | Kill 25 Piere |
Nanny Vitata | Kill 25 Vitata |
Terminating Andre Plan | Kill 25 Andre |
Valuable Crystals | Collect 10 Garlets |
Wired Muka | Kill 25 Muka |
Level Range 56 ~ 65 | |
Name | Task |
Against Savages | Kill 25 Savage |
Clear Horongs | Kill 25 Horong |
Clear Isis | Kill 25 Isis |
Clear Matyrs | Kill 25 Matyr |
Collect Blood | Collect 20 Enchanted Blood |
Collect Coal | Collect 3 Coals |
Collect Gold Sand | Collect 2 Gold Sands |
Collect Heart of Golem | Collect 20 Hearts of Golem |
Collect Immortal Heart | Collect 5 Immortal Hearts |
Collect Iron | Collect 3 Iron |
Collect Matyr Fur | Collect 20 Matyr Furs |
Collect Medusa's Teeth | Collect 20 Medusa's Teeth |
Collect Memento | Collect 10 Mementos |
Collect Scell | Collect 5 Scells |
Collect Solid Shell | Collect 5 Solid Shells |
Collect Steel | Collect 3 Steel |
Collect Sticky Mucus | Collect 10 Sticky Mucus |
Collect Wolf Fur | Collect 20 Rare Wolf Skins |
Destroy Greatest General | Kill 25 Greatest General |
Dirty Bandage | Collect 10 Rotten Bandages |
Discipline Elder Willow | Kill 25 Elder Willow |
Escort Matyr | Escort the Matyrs to Morroc |
Escort Savage | Release the Savage in Payon |
Landscape Graphics | Take a photo of The Archers' Guild |
Letter Delivery | Finish Max's entrustment |
Return of Mummy | Kill 25 Mummy |
The grandfather's sea | Take a photo of The grandfather's sea |
Valuable Crystals | Collect 10 Garlets |
Visit Quest | Finish Hadnall's entrustment |
Level Range 66 ~ 75 | |
Name | Task |
Clear Bongun | Kill 25 Bongun |
Clear Nine Tails | Kill 25 Nine Tail |
Collect Devil Horn | Collect 8 Devil Horn |
Collect Glass Bead | Collect 8 Glass Beads |
Collect Mercury | Collect 3 Mercury |
Collect Nine Tail Fur | Collect 20 Nine Tail Fur |
Collect Zargon | Collect 8 Zargon |
Escort Deviruchi | Escort the Deviruchis back to Geffen |
Escort Dokebi | Escort the Dokebis back to Payon |
Get Rid of Dokebi | Kill 25 Dokebi |
Get Rid of Munaks | Kill 25 Munak |
Landscape Graphics | Take a photo of Chieftain's Hall |
Landscape Graphics | Take a photo of Remains - Mintrach's Crystal Tower |
Sohee ghost | Kill 25 Sohee |
Level Range 76 ~ 85 | |
Name | Task |
A Beautiful Field | Take a photo of Border Fields |
A Beautiful New Coat | Collect 15 Solid Shells |
A Crystal-Like Life | Collect 15 Garlets |
A Light Wing | Collect 20 Dustiness Wings |
A Lively Forest | Drive away 25 Wild Rose |
A Magic Crystal | Collect 15 Zargon |
A Noisy Concert | Kill 25 Metaller |
A Powerful Hammer | Drive away 25 Kobold (Buckler) |
A Precise Shooter | Drive away 25 Kobold Archer |
A Rare Toy | Collect 15 Glass Beads |
A Woman's Secret | Send a message to Vener |
Annoying Noise | Escort Metaller |
Beautiful Clothes | Collect 15 Feathers |
Beautiful Crystals | Collect 15 Jellopys |
Clear Hunter Flies | Kill 25 Hunter Fly |
Clear Orc Skeletons | Kill 25 Orc Skeleton |
Clear Orc Zombies | Kill 25 Orc Zombie |
Collect Brigan | Collect 5 Brigans |
Collect Deviruchi Heart | Collect 20 Deviruchi Heart |
Collect Gold Sand | Collect 5 Gold Sands |
Collect Hand of God | Collect 8 Hands of God |
Collect Heart of Orc | Collect 20 Heart of Orc |
Collect Immortal Heart | Collect 10 Immortal Hearts |
Collect Mercury | Collect 5 Mercury |
Collect Necklace of Wisdom | Collect 5 Necklaces of Wisdom |
Collect Skel-Bone | Collect 3 Skel-Bones |
Collect Skel-Bone | Collect 5 Skel-Bones |
Collect Wings of Hunter Fly | Collect 20 Wings of Hunter Fly |
Collector's Notice | Send a message Jacquerie |
Dragon Breeder | Kill 25 Sky Petite |
Exploding Number | Kill 25 Wormtail |
Fight back | Kill 25 Orc Archer |
Flowers from the Abyss | Collect 8 Abyss Flowers |
Forest Guard | Drive away 25 Kobold (Axe) |
Grain Reapers | Kill 25 Mantis |
Green Elf | Escort Wormtail |
Hunters' Study | Collect 10 Scells |
Landscape Graphics | Take a photo of Seer's Ruins |
Little Pervert | Kill 25 Deviruchi |
Military Bandage | Collect 15 Rotten Bandages |
Mysterious Liquid | Collect 15 Sticky Mucus |
Nightmare's Fear | Kill 25 Nightmare |
Orc Warrior | Kill 25 High Orc |
Origin of Devil Power | Collect 15 Devil Horn |
Origin of the Undead | Collect 15 Immortal Hearts |
Payback Time | Kill 25 Orc Warrior |
Perfect Cloth | Collect 20 Kobold Fur |
Pursuer | Escort Sky Petite |
Red Crystal | Collect 8 Brigans |
Strange Crystals | Collect 15 Scells |
Symbol of Wisdom | Collect 8 Necklaces of Wisdom |
The Dragon's Taunt | Collect 20 Green Petite's Laughters |
The Gift from the Dead | Collect 15 Mementos |
The Palm of God | Collect 15 Hands of God |
Train Kobold | Drive away 25 Kobold (Hammer) |
Tyrannosaurus | Kill 25 Green Petite |
Urgent Information | Send a message to Christian |
White Herb | Collect 20 White Herbs |
Zanher's Wish | Collect 10 Solid Shells |
Level Range 86 ~ 89 | |
Name | Task |
A Bloodstained Church | Take a picture of Remains·Sage's End |
A Soft Hat | Collect 3 Glitter Shells |
An Experiment | Escort Wraith |
Annoying Bats | Annoying Gargoyle |
Blue Gem | Collect 8 Cyfars |
Book of Evil Druid | Collect 20 Evil Druid's Spell Books |
Collect Glass Bead | Collect 15 Glass Beads |
Collect Gold Sand | Collect 5 Gold Sands |
Collect Mercury | Collect 5 Mercury |
Collect Skel-Bone | Collect 3 Skel-Bones |
CrackCrack | Collect 3 Armor Shards |
Cramp Terminating Plan | Kill 25 Cramp |
Creepy Sting | Kill 25 Sting |
Cultivate Cramp | Escort Cramp |
Evil Druid | Kill 25 Evil Druid |
Exorcists' Warnings | Send a message to the Exorcists |
Film Ancient Ruins | Take a photo of Ancient City Monastery |
Ghost Alliance | Give a message to Auntumnson |
Glast Heim Monastery | Take a photo of Glast Heim Hall |
Good Teeth | Collect 20 Wraith Teeth |
Injustice | Departed Injustice |
Jewel Lovers | Collect 15 Brigans |
Mercury Collector | Collect 5 Mercury |
Mutated Cramp | Collect 20 Cramp Fur |
Mystical Palms | Collect 15 Hands of God |
Savage Anolian | Kill 25 Anolian |
Sincere Request | Kill 25 Dark Priest |
Song of Wraith | Kill 25 Wraith |
Study Anolians | Collect 20 Anolian's Lizard Skins |
The Message from the Ghost | Collect 5 Skel-Bones |
The Spirit of the Dead | Collect 20 Wraith Rhythm |
Wing of Devil Bat | Collect 20 Gargoyle's Wings |
Level Range 90 ~ 100 | |
Name | Task |
A Box That Eats Cat Food | Collect 20 Cat Food |
A child's Nightmare | Kill 25 Cruiser |
A Crying Zipper Bear | Kill 25 Zipper Bear |
A far away expectation | Complete Worth's entrustment |
A Far Away Friend | Send a message to Bailey Hull |
A Letter with Smell | Give a message to Harry |
A Wicked Bathory | Kill 25 Bathory |
A Young Demon | Escort Baphomet Jr. |
Abandoned Area | Take a photo of the Waste |
Abandoned Wand | Collect 20 Rotten Wood Staff |
Alarm | Kill 25 Alarm |
An Enthusiastic Alchemist | Collect 20 Precise Parts |
An Erosive Demon | Escort Punk |
Apprentice Gift | Escort Brilight |
Book with Teeth | Escort Rideword |
Canal Dock | Take a photo of Docks of the Water City |
Christmas Candy | Collect 8 Witch Star Dusts |
Cookies Flavored Perfume | Collect 15 Cyfars |
Cookies Thief | Kill 25 Christmas Cookie |
Dancer's Annoyance | Collect 5 Glitter Shells |
Dark Cuisine | Collect 8 Crystal Bones |
Delicious Gingerbread | Complete Worth's entrustment |
Elder | Kill 25 Elder |
Giant Gear Column | Take a photo of Gear's Giant Post |
Glitter Shell | Collect 3 Glitter Shells |
Jobical Magic Book | Collect 20 Tattered Book |
Kafra HQ | Take a photo of Kafra Headquarters |
Laser Gun Toy | Collect 20 Laser Gun Toys |
Magic Bandage | Collect 20 Joker Bandage |
Magic of Necklace of Wisdom | Collect 20 Necklace of Wisdom |
Marin wants to go home | Escort Marin to Sled |
Monster Information | Send a message to Lee Mond |
Mutant Clock Tower Monsters | Kill 25 Punk |
Mysterious Force | Collect 5 Armor Shards |
Mystical Astrolabe | Take a photo of Reverse Spinning Astrolabe |
Orc Lady | Kill 25 Orc Lady |
Peculiar Tentacle | Collect 20 Hydra Tentacle |
Penomena | Kill 25 Penomena |
Pointers Needed | Collect 20 Alarm Pointers |
Poor Kitty | Escort the kitten to the Gingerbread City |
Power of the Abyss | Collect 20 Abyss Flowers |
Premium Arrow Feather | Collect 20 Arrow Feather |
Re-cast the Old Sword | Collect 20 Sword Shard |
Restore Armor | Collect 3 Armor Shards |
Rusty | Collect 20 Armor Rust |
So Romantic | Take a photo of Holy Night Worship Hall |
Stem Worm's Skin | Collect 20 Stem Worm's Skin |
Super Jealous | Kill 25 Cookie |
The Blue Glacier | Take a photo of the Frozen River in Gingerbread City |
The Goddess' Eyes | Collect 15 Necklaces of Wisdom |
The Goddess' Heart | Collect 15 Necklaces of Oblivion |
The Neighbor's Child | Send a message to Elsa |
The Night of Witches | Kill 25 Black Witch |
Tick, bang! | Collect 8 Temporal Crystals |
Tintin's Annoyance | Collect 20 Hands of God |
What Is Justice | Collect 20 Brigans |
Wizard Hat | Collect 20 Wizard Hats |
Level Range 101 ~ 110 | |
Name | Task |
Assistance in Researching | Take a photo of Lava Cave 's status quo |
Assistance in Reviewing | Take a picture of City Gate |
Big Pervert | Kill 25 Fiery Deviruchi |
Christmas Gift | Collect 5 Christmas Garland |
Client's Dissatisfaction | Collect 5 x Box Wrapper |
Daughter Misses You | Pass on a message Floris's father |
Deratization Plan | Kill 25 Marmot |
Deserved Salary | Ask Micrel about the payment |
Doctor's Request | Collect 20 New Green Leaf |
Ecological Balance | Kill 25 Fire Fledgling |
Eulogizing Cyfar | Collect 20 x Cyfar |
Euphemistic request | Collect 25 x Necklace of Wisdom |
For my beloved | Collect 15 Temporal Crystals |
Friend’s Concern | Deliver the letter to Candace |
Gemstone’s Charm | Collect 25 Brigans |
Girl’s Wish | Collect 15 x Crystal Bone |
Improve the environment | Kill 25 Geographer |
Interesting Feather | Collect 20 Flamingo's Feather |
It should be cooled down | Kill 25 Fire Elf |
Just make a dress | Collect 20 Harpy's Feather |
Landmark | Take a picture of Heimdall Crystal |
Merchant’s Tricks | Collect 8 x Ice Cubic |
New energy consumption | Collect 20 Fire Crystal |
Omanba’s Annoyance | Collect 20 x Necklace of Oblivion |
Pass intelligence | Pass on the intelligence of Guardian to Puning |
Prepare for a new invention | Collect 20 Shiny Foretooth |
Price of the Tricks | Kill 25 Highland Parasite |
Proof of Ability | Collect 20 Abyss Flowers |
Rational use | Collect 20 Evil Flower |
Research Achievement | Pass on a message to Bulliam |
Save patients | Collect 8 Frozen Heart |
Significance of Survival | Kill 25 Fiery Mane |
Staff Only | Take a picture of Palace |
Take a picture of Airship | Take a picture of Airship |
The Angry Hazime | Pass on a message to Omanba for Hazime |
The Careless Harpy | Go to Border Checkpoint to release Harpy. |
The Enchanting Harpy | Kill 25 Harpy |
The Great Statue | Take a picture of Soldier's Statue |
The Innocent Deviruchi | Go to Lava Cave 1F to release the Fiery Deviruchi |
The Latest Candlestick | Collect 20 Fire Pony's Mane |
The Lucky Martin | Go to Border Checkpoint to release the Martin. |
The most important ingredients | Collect 15 x Witch Star Dust |
The Mystical Building | Take a picture of Mystery Building |
The right to live | Go to Lava Cave 1F to release the Fire Pony |
The spoony young girl | Collect 5 Frozen Heart |
Useless Kindness | Go to Lava Cave 1F to release the Fire Fledgling. |
Windfall | Collect 20 Deviruchi Crystal |
Wish of Hot Summer | Collect 5 Ice Cubic |
Work Efficiency | Collect 25 Hands of God |
Wrap Christmas Gifts | Collect 8 x Box Wrapper |
Sunday, March 3, 2019
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