Thursday, February 28, 2019

Fast Way To Get Silver Medals Ragnarok M: Eternal Love

Silver Medals are an essential item in Ragnarok M: Eternal Love and are used as a currency in a lot of facilities.

You’ll be needing a lot of these medals throughout the game. Luckily there are lots of easy ways to obtain Silver Medals, and this guide will teach you how!

Why do you need Silver Medals?

There are several reasons why you need to obtain lots of Silver Medals.

1. To enter Valhalla Ruins

Valhalla Ruins entrance in Guild Hall
Valhalla Ruins (a.k.a. VR, GR or Guild Ruins) is a weekly raid where you and your guild can enter an exclusive dungeon filled with 5 MVPs or Mini Bosses.
It’s a great source of rare materials for Guild Donation and crafting, or for farming MVP drops and equips.

To enter Valhalla Ruins, you’ll need to spend 40 Silver Medals.

2. To buy Peak Shards

Peak Shards are used for “Job Breakthrough,” the method for increasing your maximum Job Level limit up to 70. You’ll need a LOT of Silver Medals to reach Job Level 70: 1,440 Silver Medals in total!

Reaching Job Level 70 is also a requirement to advance to 3rd jobs, which makes this it even more important to start collecting Silver Medals as soon as you can.
Buy Peak Shards from Incredible Vending Machine Guild Hall facility using Silver Medals Gold Medal or Nibulgen Shard
Although there are other items you can use to buy Peak Shards—Gold Medals and Nibulungen Shards—Silver Medals are the cheapest currency and easiest to obtain.

Check out the full guide to Job Breakthrough/Peak Shards here: How to Unlock Job Level 70 using Peak Shards (Job Breakthrough Guide)

3. Buy PvP items

Arena Quarters PVP item rewards shop using Silver Medals
Lastly, Silver Medals can be used to buy items from the Arena Quarters in Prontera (near the bridge) such as the Marchosias items which are great for increasing your attack damage.

Where to Get Silver Medals

Here are all the methods on how to obtain Silver Medals.
  1. Message Board Quests
  2. Monster Resistance Quests
  3. Training Grounds
  4. Time Rifts
  5. Endless Tower
  6. Guild Quests
  7. PVP Arena
So make sure to keep doing your dailies to collect as much Silver Medals as you can. We highly recommend using our Daily/Weekly Routine Guide to maximize your Silver Medal acquisition.

Adventure Meatballs are your friends too! If you don’t have much time to clear the dailies, just buy the items from the Meatball shop used for clearing dailies instantly.

Silver Medal Weekly Limit

You can only obtain up to 80 Silver Medals per week.
This limit is increased to 100 Silver Medals per week if you’re a Premium user.

